Home > Cat Leg Amputation Research Studies and Statistics

Limb-shortening limb salvage (LSLS) in a cat with metatarsal osteosarcoma

Owners’ observations of domestic cats after limb amputation

Reasons and Risk Factors for Limb Amputation and Survey on the Quality of Life of Amputated Cats Based on Owners’ Perception: A Malaysian Perspective


Forelimb amputation of a feline with a humeral fracture: a patient care report

2020 Amputee Cats Quality of Life Survey Results

The effects of road traffic accidents on domestic cats and their owners

Short‐term wound complications and predictive variables for complication after limb amputation in dogs and cats

Epidural anaesthesia for treatment of neuropathic pain associated with pelvic limb amputation in a domestic shorthair cat

Radial agenesis in a cat

Neuropathic Pain Following Limb Amputation in a 1 Year DSH

Patients with orthopaedic disease

Neuropathic pain in a cat post-amputation

Fracture-associated osteosarcoma of the femur in a cat

Amputation in Cats

Short-term wound complications and predictive variables for complication after limb amputation in dogs and cats

Feline amputees : gait adaptations and welfare implications

Treatment of a large osseous defect in a feline tarsus using a stem cell‐seeded custom implant

Treatments for feline long bone fractures

Feline Vaccine‐Associated Sarcomas

Feline injection-site sarcoma: Past, present and future perspectives

A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery

Combined ultrasound/electrostimulation-guided block of the lumbosacral plexus in a cat undergoing pelvic limb amputation

Welfare of feline amputees

Feline combined diaphyseal radial and ulnar fractures

Feline Prosthetic for Gait Normalization

Aneurysmal bone cyst in the pelvis of a cat: successful outcome of partial iliectomy with limb preservation

Management of surgical wound dehiscence by oxygen-ozone therapy in a FIV-positive cat – a case report

Feline aortic thromboembolism: Presentation, diagnosis, and treatment outcomes of 15 cats

Cranial tibial fascia autograft for wound closure following hemipelvectomy in a cat.

Uncontrolled Outdoor Access for Cats: An Assessment of Risks and Benefits

An Examination of an Iconic Trap-Neuter-Return Program: The Newburyport, Massachusetts Case Study

Risk factors for road traffic accidents in cats up to age 12 months that were registered between 2010 and 2013 with the UK pet cat cohort (‘Bristol Cats’)

Diagnoses in Amputated Limbs

Pelvic Limb Amputation

Fracture-associated osteosarcoma of the femur in a cat

Limb-shortening limb salvage (LSLS) in a cat with metatarsal osteosarcoma